
How To Weight Grades In Powerschool

PowerTeacher Pro TechNote:

Term Weighting & Category Weighting in PowerTeacher Pro

Term Weighting

Utilize this option to summate the Y1 final class based on term weighting.

Term Weighting Setup:

1. After launching PowerTeacher Pro, click on Settings (located in the left-side menu, shown with a Gear icon)
ii. Select Traditional Class Calculations
iii. To see the grade calculations for all of the classes, click Aggrandize All
4. For one of the classes in the list, click the Edit icon adjacent to the Y1 reporting term
5. Verify that Calculate Overall Class Course is checked
vi. Open up the Blazon menu and choose the calculation blazon of Term Weighting
7. Open the Aspect carte and select a reporting term, such as Q1
eight. To define the weight of the selected reporting term, enter a value in the Weight field, such as 20 (for 20%)
9. To include another reporting term, click the + sign
10. Open the Type menu and choose Term Weighting
11. Open the Attribute carte and select a reporting term, such as Q2
12. To ascertain the weight of the selected reporting term, enter a value in the Weight field, such equally 20 (for 20%)
13. Repeat steps 9-12 to set up up weighting for all remaining reporting terms. Use weight values that will make the values in the Percent columns add up to 100%.
xiv. To save the Y1 Term Weight calculation, click Save.
fifteen. Set up the Y1 Term Weight calculations for the remaining classes ane-past-ane, or use the Copy Traditional Course Calculations function.

See examples below for more info.

Category Weighting

Use this selection to calculate the Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 final grade based on assignment categories.

Category Weighting Setup:

i. After launching PowerTeacher Pro, click on Settings (located in the left-side carte du jour, shown with a Gear icon)
2. Select Traditional Grade Calculations
iii. To encounter the grade calculations for all of the classes, click Expand All
four. For one of the classes in the listing, click the Edit icon next to the start reporting term, such as Q1
five. Verify that Calculate Overall Class Grade is checked
half-dozen. Open the Blazon carte du jour and choose the calculation type of Category Weighting
7. Open the Attribute menu and select a category, such equally Homework
8. To define the weight of the selected category, enter a value in the Weight field, such equally 20 (for xx%)
ix. To include another category, click the + sign
ten. Open the Blazon carte du jour and choose Category Weighting
eleven. Open up the Attribute carte and select a different category, such as Quiz
12. To define the weight of the selected category, enter a value in the Weight field, such as 30 (for 30%)
13. Repeat steps 9-12 to set up weighting for additional categories, if desired. Use weight values that will make the values in the Percent columns add upward to 100%.
fourteen. To save the course adding, click Relieve.
15 Set up the grade calculations for the remaining reporting terms one-by-one, or employ the Re-create Traditional Course Calculations office.

Run across examples below for more info.

Examples - Term Weighting and Category Weighting setup

Typical Term Weighting for a unmarried quarter course:

Calculate term Y1 last grade using Term Weighting:
Q1 worth 90% of the term Y1 concluding grade calculation
F1 worth 10% of the term Y1 final grade calculation

Typical Term Weighting for a semester long class:

Calculate term Y1 concluding grade using Term Weighting:
Q1 worth 40% of the term Y1 final grade adding
M1 worth ten% of the term Y1 final class calculation
Q2 worth 40% of the term Y1 terminal grade calculation
F1 worth 10% of the term Y1 final grade calculation

Typical Term Weighting for a year long class:

Calculate term Y1 final grade using Term Weighting:
Q1 worth 20% of the term Y1 terminal form calculation
Q2 worth 20% of the term Y1 final course calculation
M1 worth 10% of the term Y1 terminal grade adding
Q3 worth 20% of the term Y1 concluding grade calculation
Q4 worth 20% of the term Y1 final grade calculation
F1 worth ten% of the term Y1 last grade calculation

Typical Category Weighting for a quarter long, semester long or twelvemonth long form:

Example for Q1: Category Weighting assigned to summate the Q1 based on categories of
Assignments in Category of Test worth 50% of the term Q1 final grade calculation
Assignments in Category of Quiz worth 30% of the term Q1 terminal class calculation
Assignments in Category of Classwork worth 20% of the term Q1 terminal course adding

Annotation: Categories are Based on MCVSD approved subject area weights, and may vary by specific field of study area.

Assistance is available via PowerTeacher Pro Help (click on the icon).

If in that location are any questions, please contact the Guidance staff at your school, or contact the MCVSD Tech Group for assistance.

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